Notice: Closed for Professional Development July 2 - 22.

Experiencing Life Awaken

Complementary Health based on the work of Rudolf Steiner
Located in Byron Shire, Australia

Ginger Kidney Compress

This compress must be used with precaution and only if prescribed. The ginger can burn the skin of fair haired persons and in some people can be very disturbing to their mental health. It is included on this website only for those who have been prescribed its use, in which case it can be highly affective to ease dry and asthmatic coughs as well as back ache and joint pain. Tessa Therkleson, a New Zealand anthroposophic nurse has published a paper on its use for osteo-arthritis.

Follow the Compress Basics instructions in conjunction with the below instructions.

For the first compress trial using less than 1 teaspoon of dry ginger sprinkled onto a dry cloth in 2 circles in a position that will cover the kidneys but not the spine when the cloth is applied them. Then fold the cloth into 3 so that when it is on the body there will be 1 layer of cloth between the ginger and the skin. The cloth is rolled into a wringing cloth per the instructions on the “Compress Basics” and boiling water is poured over the cloth to soak it through. The gingered cloth is then applied to the kidneys and kept warm for 10 minutes as per the Compress Basic instructions. There is no need to use hot water bottles unless they are very thin and not too hot. When the cloth is removed, wipe the kidneys with a hot damp cloth so as no ginger is left on the skin, and the oil area to keep it warm. Rest for at least another 10 minutes and the relaxation can be experienced.

Up to 1 teaspoon of dry ginger or a knob of fresh ginger in a tea can be used for future compresses once it has been established that the person can bear the compress.