Notice: Closed for Professional Development July 2 - 22.

Experiencing Life Awaken

Complementary Health based on the work of Rudolf Steiner
Located in Byron Shire, Australia

Clinic Therapies > Topical Applications

Treatments applied via the skin

Compresses, footbaths and nutritional baths were encouraged by Rudolf Steiner to support healthy child development, as well as to prevent and treat illness at any age. Plants and other natural remedies are applied over the skin to specific organs and body parts to bring balance and harmony through the body’s own healing capacity.

They are administered professionally in the clinic as well as at home by those who wish to care for themselves and their family with anthroposophic therapies.

One of the benefits of administering the remedy via the skin is that it bypasses the organs of metabolism and can be very beneficial in cases where the processes of metabolism may be an obstacle to healing. Children especially benefit from their regular use.

Simple but powerful, these  applications are used for such things as:

  • Fever, coughs and colds
  • Bloating and constipation
  • Insomnia, anxiety, panic attacks and general tension
  • Difficulty waking and lethargy
  • Sensory processing disturbances
  • Detoxification and rehabilitation
  • Eczema and asthma

Integrated into day-to-day life they help to balance the way we experience and react to the environment and other people. This includes from the way foods effect us through to stress caused by the pressure of work, school and relationships. Click here for articles on the senses and the use therapeutic applications to harmonise them. 

The treatments have been described as bringing about “tangible” changes that the patient feels themselves do out of their own healing capacity rather than by a practitioner or a medication.

Appointments are available for those who wish to experience the treatments so as to become confident in applying them at home, and also available as a prescribed therapy set in the clinic to treat specific conditions.

Instructions to apply these therapies at home can be found here → 



The most therapeutic treatment is determined after consultation and consideration of an individual’s needs.

Footbath followed by Compress: $90

Allow 90 minutes