Experiencing Life Awaken

Complementary Health based on the work of Rudolf Steiner
Located in Byron Shire, Australia

Clinic Therapies > Jungebad Oil Dispersion Baths

Oil Dispersion Baths

Oil dispersion baths are not available at the moment while I move premises.

Oil dispersion baths are not available at the moment while I move premises.

Jungebad is a specialised oil dispersion bath with body brushing that originates from Germany out of indications given by Rudolf Steiner. It is used as a complementary therapy in anthroposophic medicine to harmonise body warmth and thereby stimulate the body’s own processes towards maintaining health.

Jungebad is used for such things as to:

  • Recover from burn-out, jet-lag, fatigue and stress
  • Calm the nervous system and regulate breathing rhythms
  • Aid metabolism and encourage warmth distribution
  • Increase the flow of lymphatic fluids
  • Improve recovery alongside treatments for cancer
  • Maintain circulation, elimination and vitality
  • Promote deep sleep

Please take a look at the video above to understand the sensitive nature of the baths and phone to discuss if the baths may be suitable for you.

Bath Myocum
Bathroom in NSW
Oil dispersion apparatus

Oil Dispersion Bath Therapy accreditation as modality with an Australian professional membership association has not be sought. Louise travelled to Germany to study the certificate and practices as a member of the International Association for Oil Dispersion Bath Therapy after Dr Werner Junge.