Experiencing Life Awaken

Complementary Health based on the work of Rudolf Steiner
Located in Byron Shire, Australia

Lemon Footbath

A lemon footbath is a bowl of hot water into which a lemon is cut, and the feet placed in the lemon water for 10 – 20 mins with the legs covered over with a towel. It encourages warmth distribution and harmony. A lemon footbath can be used daily as preventative healthcare or in some […]

Balance Sense

The sense of balance is the experience of being in harmony. The balance sense perceives our relation to the external spatial world. Based on our perception, we adjust our balance. When someone moves closer to us we inwardly and externally adjust ourselves to maintain a state of harmony. By experiencing equilibrium in our physical body, we have an […]

Warmth Sense

The sense of warmth is concentrated in the heart of the human being. With warmth we are participating with what is within the object perceived. When we hold ice we come to know that it is cold through and through not only because of the boundaries of our skin but also because we experience the […]

‘I’ Sense

The ‘I’ sense is the sense of perceiving the individuality of another; to truly sense there is another human being present rather than only perceiving outer characteristics, cultural conditioning or being unable to discern the difference between a “bot” and a human. Despite a person’s race, sex, gender, religion, social status and culture there is […]

Alternate Footbath

An alternate footbath involves the use of two bowls of water (one hot, one cold) into which the patient’s feet are placed alternatively. The experience of moving between temperatures creates a sensory experience that gently awakens an inner equilibrium that particulary supports the Sense of Balance and the Sense of Warmth. It also helps to […]