Distance Consultations
Distance consultations are offered in accordance with the ATMS online audio-visual consultation policy.
Please email or text the following details prior to the consultation:
Patient’s name
Other persons partaking in the consultation (if any)
Postal Address (if remedies are to be posted)
Email Address
Emergency Contact & Phone
By continuing with the distance consultation you are acknowledging that you understand the following:
• The consulting practitioner is AROH registered homeopath, Louise Stewart;
• Code of Conduct, Standards of Practice and Fees can be found here.
• You may be requested to obtain further assessments with your local health practitioners;
• The patient and practitioner should feel safe and respected at all times;
• A camera and microphone will be required for the consultation and you feel comfortable and competent in using the agreed technology for the consultation;
• The practitioner’s audio-visual equipment will be in an area that is out of visual and audio range of persons not involved in the consultation;
• Neither the patient, practitioner or any other party are authorised to make visual or audio recordings of the consultation;
• Photographs may be requested to help show the features, signs and symptoms of the patient;
• Unless otherwise agreed, the call will be initiated by Louise at the time of the consultation;
• Either party can end the call;
• The prescription, invoice and remedies will be posted after the consultation unless otherwise agreed
Click here for information about fees.